Seeing Through – 2020 Vision

When we started this crazy year that has been 2020, we had BIG aspirations of a year of seeing clearly – 2020 VISION. It felt like we were stepping into “The Future”. Now halfway through this first year of the future, most of us would like to go back or maybe just skip ahead. I love the “Back to the Future” Meme that is going around with Doc Brown and Marty by the Delorean. It says “Listen carefully, Marty…whatever you do, don’t set it to 2020”.

But for those of us without the luxury of a time machine, we’re here, right in the middle of 2020. We are hoping the last half will be a vast improvement over the first. We may not have the ability to just “get outta here”, but as Christians, we do have access to power that the world does not. Yet, we often watch the world, copy their behavior and act like we are in the same position as they are. Soon…fear, worry, anger and arguments are defining our behavior too.

But we have the ability to “see through”. During “this present age” (the time between when Christ has gone back to heaven and the time He will return to Earth), God has given us the Holy Spirit to guide us. Although, we can’t see what is going to come next, He can. The Bible tells us that through the Spirit, God reveals to us what to do.

Isaiah 30:21 says “and whenever you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind you: “This is the way, walk in it.” 

And in 1 Thessalonians 5:4-5, we are told that we are not “in the dark”. We are children of light. It goes on to tells us that we need to live like who we are. The world is focused on what they see right in front of them, which leads to wasting time and resources without hope and living for pleasure instead of purpose.

Our hope and salvation allows us to hear the voice of God and KNOW that although it seems dark, God is still in control. A lot of voices are screaming at us, luring us, and taunting us. It doesn’t mean we have to listen. WE have a choice of which voices get our attention. Listening to the voice of TRUTH is what gives us the ability to “see through”. It illuminates the darkness and gives us the perspective to see 2020 as part of God’s plan. A season where God is allowing suffering, fear, uncertainty to move people towards the opportunity to follow Him.

So, as much as we want to “get outta here…”, get dressed up in costumes & collect some candy, carve the turkey, put up the tree and bring on 2021. Let’s not waste what we’ve been given. Let’s join God in whatever He is doing, knowing that He has a perfect eternal plan and make the most of 2020. WORRY…it steals our time. God has got this, live in that freedom and move into being productive. ARGUING and ANGER…it steals our testimony. Let God love people through you instead. FEAR…it steals our faith. It leaves you stuck or moving backwards. Know who you are and who your God is. Then you will be able to “see through” and help others do the same.

If you are looking for practical steps in how to make this happen…here is where to get started learning to hear God’s voice and knowing His plan.

  1. Read, know and meditate on God’s Word. — He has already given us the “instruction book” we just have to use it.
  2. Put away pride and selfish ambition. — Everything I have is from God and is intended to use for His glory, not my gain.
  3. Ask and be persistent. (Prayer) – Talk to God. He says we should ask for what we need. Ask Him for understanding, wisdom, faith and provisions. Yes, God already knows what you need. But he wants you to come to Him, to discover His will and to get to know Him through prayer.
  4. Have faith – God says we should approach Him with boldness. When we pray…

– it arms us with what we need to face what is coming. (God’s Armor – Eph 6)

– it is spiritual warfare. Things are happening that we can’t see and our prayers effect the spiritual
realm. It restrains the forces of evil and darkness.

-helps you to hear God’s voice

5.  Listen & be obedient – Know that God is sovereign and His plan is perfect. It may not be what       we thought, but His ways are higher than our ways.

6. Walk in belief – When you hear God’s Word, take it, believe what He said and walk in it. Take that truth to your daily life, to your job, your grocery shopping and your social media scrolling (ouch!) It means not just saying you believe and then trying to “do” or “say” the right things to earn God’s favor. It means just believing it is true because God said it and living in it.

7.  Be thankful – When you hear his voice, when you get a direction or an answer, give him the GLORY! Acknowledge the way he provided the next step or the full need.

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